An MDA Method for Automatic Transformation of Models from CIM to PIM
Abdelouahed Kriouile,
Najiba Addamssiri,
Taoufiq Gadi
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2015
17 February 2015
4 March 2015
10 March 2015
Abstract: The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach introduces a clear separation of the business logic from the implementation logic that's less stable. It uses the models that are more perennial than codes. It puts the models at the centre of the development of software and of the information systems. The MDA approach consists at, firstly, developing the CIM Model, secondly, obtaining the PIM model from the CIM, and finally generating the PSM model from the PIM which facilitates the generation of code for a chosen technical platform. In the literature, several works have summarized the MDA approach to the passage from PIM to PSM then from the PSM to code. Yet, very little work has contributed in the axis of the CIM to PIM transformation, and their approaches generally propose a CIM model which does not cover the different specifications of the Object Management Group (OMG) and/or the CIM to PIM transformation that they define is in the most cases manual or semi-automatic. Thus, our proposal aims at providing a solution to the problem of constructing CIM and its automatic transformation at the PIM using the QVT transformation rules. The approach proposes to represent CIM by two models: The business process model reflecting both the static and the behavioral views of the system, and the functional requirement model defined by the use case model reflecting the functional view of the system. The transformation of the CIM allows us to generate the PIM level represented by two models: The domain classes model which gives a structural view of the system at this level, and a model that describes the behavior of the system to each use case.
Abstract: The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach introduces a clear separation of the business logic from the implementation logic that's less stable. It uses the models that are more perennial than codes. It puts the models at the centre of the development of software and of the information systems. The MDA approach consists at, firstly, developing th...
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Metrics for Quantification of the Software Testing Tools Effectiveness
Pawan Singh,
Mulualem Wordofa Regassa
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2015
12 March 2015
20 March 2015
15 April 2015
Abstract: An automated testing tool helps the testers to quantify the quality of software by testing the software automatically. To quantify the quality of software there is always a requirement of good testing tools, which satisfy the testing requirement of the project. Although there is a wide range of testing tools available in the market and they vary in approach, quality, usability and other characteristics. Selecting the appropriate testing tool for software there is a requirement of a methodology to prioritize them on the basis of some characteristics. We propose a set of metrics for measuring the characteristics of the automated testing tools for examination and selection of automated testing tools. A new extended model which is proposed provides the metrics to calculate the effectiveness of functional testing tools on the basis of operability. The industry will be benefited as they can use these metrics to evaluate functional tools and they can further make selection of tool for their software required to be tested and hence reduce the testing effort, saving time and gaining maximum monetary benefit.
Abstract: An automated testing tool helps the testers to quantify the quality of software by testing the software automatically. To quantify the quality of software there is always a requirement of good testing tools, which satisfy the testing requirement of the project. Although there is a wide range of testing tools available in the market and they vary in...
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