Student Database System for Higher Education: A Case Study at School of Public Health, University of Ghana
Wisdom Kwami Takramah,
Wisdom Kwasi Atiwoto
Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2015
5 September 2014
16 September 2014
21 April 2015
Abstract: The success of any organization such as School of Public Health, University of Ghana hinges on its ability to acquire accurate and timely data about its operations, to manage this data effectively, and to use it to analyze and guide its activities. Integrated student database system offer users (Student, Registrar, HOD) with a unified view of data from multiple sources. To provide a single consistent result for every object represented in these data sources, data fusion is concerned with resolving data inconsistency present in the heterogeneous sources of data. The main objective of this project is to build a rigid and robust integrated student database system that will track and store records of students. This easy-to-use, integrated database application is geared towards reducing time spent on administrative tasks. The system is intended to accept process and generate report accurately and any user can access the system at any point in time provided internet facility is available. The system is also intended to provide better services to users, provide meaningful, consistent, and timely data and information and finally promotes efficiency by converting paper processes to electronic form. The system was developed using technologies such as PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL. PHP, HTML and CSS are used to build the user interface and database was built using MySQL. The system is free of errors and very efficient and less time consuming due to the care taken to develop it. All the phases of software development cycle are employed and it is worthwhile to state that the system is very robust. Provision is made for future development in the system.
Abstract: The success of any organization such as School of Public Health, University of Ghana hinges on its ability to acquire accurate and timely data about its operations, to manage this data effectively, and to use it to analyze and guide its activities. Integrated student database system offer users (Student, Registrar, HOD) with a unified view of data ...
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Comparisons Between MongoDB and MS-SQL Databases on the TWC Website
Chieh Ming Wu,
Yin Fu Huang,
John Lee
Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2015
16 February 2015
22 April 2015
5 May 2015
Abstract: Owing to the huge amount of data in websites to be analysed, web innovative services are required to support them with high scalability and availability. The main reason of using NoSQL databases is for considering the huge amount of data and expressing large-scale distributed computations using Map-Reduce techniques. To enhance the service quality of customers and solve the problems of the huge amount of data existing in the websites such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter, the relational database technology was gradually replaced with the NoSQL database to improve the performance and expansion elasticity in recent years. In this paper, we compare both NoSQL MongoDB and MS-SQL databases, and discuss the effectiveness of the inquiry. In addition, relational database cluster systems often require larger server efficiency and capacity to be competent, but it incurs cost problems. On the other hand, using NoSQL database can easily expand the capacity without any extra costs. Through the experiments, it shows that NoSQL MongoDB is about ten times efficient for reading and writing than MS-SQL database. This verifies that the NoSQL database technology is quite a feasible option to be used in the future.
Abstract: Owing to the huge amount of data in websites to be analysed, web innovative services are required to support them with high scalability and availability. The main reason of using NoSQL databases is for considering the huge amount of data and expressing large-scale distributed computations using Map-Reduce techniques. To enhance the service quality ...
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